
10 best ways to end a relationship

It will never be easy to end a relationship, and many of us will do everything in our power to avoid having “the conversation.”
Do you always have to be the bad guy when ending a relationship, or are there any positive ways to do it?
Undoubtedly, it’s a minefield. The good news is that identifying strategies to lower your arsehole rating is not hard.

Here are the 10 dos and don’ts of ending a relationship in case you’re ready to jump but are unsure of how to do it.

1. Do have the dreaded conversation

Urgg, the most grown up and respectful of ways to end a relationship.
Unfortunately, despite the accessibility and ease of modern technology, having the courtesy to explain yourself to someone you’ve spent a significant amount of time with is undoubtedly the best way to walk away.
Be that person.

2. Don’t tailor the break-up so they leave you

Alternatively, without question, the most spineless way to break up with someone – the engineered reverse break-up is the favourite go to for all seasoned arseholes.
For those who have never been on the receiving end, it basically means your boyfriend increases his existing dick-ish-ness to such levels you have no option but to walk away.
Brutal, but depressingly common.

10 best ways to end a relationship

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