
7 bad habits of your partner that might never change

Does your partner have any of these habits?

Since nobody is flawless and all partners have certain behaviors and characteristics that sometimes annoy us, how come? It might be a partner’s poor grooming, disregard for time, forgetting significant occasions, or anything else that fits into the category of “bad habits,” which the majority of us hope to break in the future. Unfortunately, some undesirable characteristics might exist, pose a long-term threat to the partnership, and are unlikely to disappear with time. These are difficult to break behavioral patterns, and if your partner is unwilling to work on them, the issue may get worse. You run the risk of your partner never changing if they engage in any of these seven unhealthy behaviors.

1. Emotionally unavailable

Is your partner always unavailable when you are having an emotional meltdown or intentionally ignores you when you are gloomy or stuck in a situation? Well, being with an emotionally unavailable partner can lead to resentment in the relationship and take a toll on the bond. It’s wisest to hold a discussion on this subject, look for the root cause behind this kind of behaviour and see how it can be resolved.

2. I-am-always-right attitude

Being in a relationship with an extremely arrogant or adamant partner can be difficult at times. Your partner might look down at you and their I-know-it-all attitude might impact your confidence levels. This behavioral trait can even turn toxic after one point of time and it’s up to you to decide how long you can bear with it.

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7 bad habits of your partner that might never change

3. What about lying?

Well, nobody likes dating someone who lies every now and then. Needless to say, you are bound to have trust issues in your relationship and your love life is going to witness frequent arguments and fights. If your partner has not been able to give up this habit, it might be almost impossible to share a healthy bond with him or her.

4. Ignoring the issues in your relationship

Partners fight even in the healthiest relationships but the way they resolve the argument makes all the difference. If your partner always tries to ignore the issue and pretend as nothing has happened, it’s a red flag for your relationship.

5. Being too flirtatious

There is a very thin line of difference between being flirtatious and just being funny with people. Hence, it is very important to discuss what counts as healthy flirting and set boundaries.

6. Attention seeker

Everybody wants their partner’s care and attention but some people like to be coddled the entire day. They expect their partner to test or call them round the clock, pamper them with gifts, post romantic status about them on social media and shower them with all their attention. You can always talk to your partner about personal space and how this habit is taking a toll on your relationship. But as they say, ‘old habits die hard’, it might take a long time to change this trait in your partner’s persona.

7. Abusive nature

If your partner has been physically or emotionally abusive even once, then there is a high probability this habit is not going to change. In fact, no matter how much you love your partner, you must step back from the relationship the moment you witness any kind of abuse.

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