
5 ways to make long distance work

Long-distance relationships are now unavoidable due to globalization. We have two options: we may be negative and lament the circumstances, or we can be positive and find ways to make the most of them.

My spouse and I accepted the opportunities and challenges that came with being in a long-distance relationship.
Experience and research indicate that long-distance relationships have a higher chance of surviving if there is consistent and efficient communication, a gift-giving and receiving exchange, a high degree of trust, an attempt to stay out of “dangerous” situations, and most crucially, visits.

Visits, I assure you, are the pinnacle of any long-distance relationship. You want every visit to be unique, pleasant, and memorable—whether that means hiring a travel agency to make your much-anticipated meeting reasonably easy and exotic or hiring a cab service to take you both home. In light of this, I’ve put up a list of things to think about if you want your vacation to be unforgettable.

Have A Concrete Plan 
If you’re both adventurous, you’ll probably prefer to meet up while travelling around the world together. It helps to contact the same travel service company. The right travel service will factor in time difference when booking your flights, taxi service and hotel accommodation. More conservative couples might prefer their homes. In which case, the resident other must come up with creative ways to redecorate.

Plan Some Fun Things To Do Together:
Don’t spend all your precious time lazing around in each other’s arms or doing you-know-what. Yes. Plan fun activities ahead of time. You are more likely to remember and appreciate culinary activities, beach walks or even surf rides done together. Be more creative in choosing your activities. Here are a few ideas: Talk. Play the psychological game of answering the 36 Questions Designed To Make You Fall In Love. Trust me when I say that you’ll be excited to have one more memorable visit.

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5 ways to make long distance work

Meet With Gifts For Each Other: 
Surprise your significant other with something beautiful. Perhaps flowers, for instance.
Find out what they’d really like and surprise them with it. An airport lobby might not be the right place for this presentation, what with all the luggage you have to haul and keep track of. The best place is in the backseat of the taxi. If you happen to be having a romantic visit in Paris, consider choosing the T2 Transfer.
They have really comfy taxis that give lovers the space and privacy perfect for relaxing rides.

Enjoy Intimate Moments: Brace yourself. 
Meeting for the first time or after a long time will be like fireworks.
You’ll likely spend most of the time kissing, holding hands, etc. You’ll do things all common to regular couples. But for you, these things will be special and very intimate because as the old saying goes, ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’. Lose yourself in the fireworks, sparkling bombs, sunshine and different shades of heaven. Avoid interruptions from your normal work life. If possible, block out email and social media. Be truly present to keep up the passion. This is guaranteed to help you have a more memorable visit.

Take Pictures and Make Videos 
Take selfies and make videos of the little moments that seem insignificant because you’ll cherish them in the days and months and years to come. How many times have we looked back at an old video or picture and smiled at the frozen memories? Picture and videos are time travel machines.
They are capable of freezing time and transporting us back to moments we’ve long forgotten. It’s funny how picture or videos arouse the same emotions we felt when they were recorded. What other way is there to make a visit more memorable?

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